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Item The 4th Industrial Revolution and Innovative Labor: Trends, Challenges, Forecasts(2017) Chala, Nina; Poplavska, OksanaThe society is driven by the cyclical effect of the technological progress, which transforms the economy and changes the demand and supply notions within the labor market. However, today's changes, namely the 4th Industrial Revolution, have a number of features, among which the most significant is transforming the role and place of people in the production, economy, and life. This notion has both positive and negative trends. On the one hand, the potential of some economies will grow, thereby bringing high profits; however, on the other hand, many people will be unemployed, which once again requires much effort from the state and business to equalize the imbalance between supply and demand on labor sources. The authors of the article attempted to reveal the basic trends of the 4th Industrial Revolution in Ukraine, to predict some possible risks and changes, and to justify the strategic directions of the country's development in face of the new environment.Item Administration of Telecommunication Company Staff Potential in Ukraine(2020) Kovshova, Iryna; Dubovyk, Nataliia; Zubko, TatyanaThe goal of the article is to develop theoretical and methodological guideline and practical recommendations for administration of staff potential by telecommunication companies based on marketing management in the modern conditions. The methodological basis of the research are fundamentals of the modern socio-economic theory, management and marketing grounded on the system-synergistic approach to staff potential administration in domestic telecommunication companies and international corporations in Ukraine. Within the framework of this approach, general scientific and specific methods of cognition have been used, in particular: analysis and synthesis, scientific abstraction, deduction and induction, dialectical analysis, statistical analysis, economic and mathematical modeling. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of system-synergetic paradigm of marketing management in telecommunication companies, which provides optimal harmonization of goals of companies with various benefits of interested parties to create a social effect. Conclusions. Implementation of marketing management by domestic telecommunication companies and international corporations in Ukraine is favourable for creating reputation of a reliable supplier of products and services to consumers, popularization of an employer brand, maximum satisfaction of consumer requirements, formation of balanced management system with coordination of actions according to different dynamic cycles for simultaneous achievement of economic and organizational effectiveness and a social effect.Item Analysing students' mobility at higher education institutions: case of Ukrainian university during the war(2024) Chala, Nina; Pichyk, Kateryna; Poddenezhnyi, Oleksandr; Voropai, OlgaHigher Education Institutions (HEIs) often overlook the importance of systematic data collection and analysis. This oversight can obscure critical trends and decision-making insights, particularly student mobility. HEIs management may not detect the outflow of students related to academic mobility and therefore will not make timely managerial decisions. This article aims to provide guidance to university management on how data collection and analysis can improve informed decision-making, focusing on student mobility, especially in times of severe disruptions, like military conflicts. To reach this goal, desk research of previous literature was conducted to identify risks and challenges related to students’ mobility and the previous experience to address them. Secondary data analysis of student outflow at the Faculty of Economics of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" (NaUKMA) from 2015–2022, alongside a student survey provided insights into the students’ academic mobility process dynamics. The findings demonstrate a significant outflow of students from educational programs, highlighting the opportunities and risks associated with academic mobility. Analysis of this data reveals critical insights into student motivation, which can significantly influence their decisions and behavior. Students’ mobility data analysis will instantly point out the problem to HEI management, making it possible to prevent the consequences.Item The art of Uniting Business and Science in Marketing(2010) Pan, Liliya; Derevianko, L.Item Benchmarking in the system of regional development strategy(2022) Ignatieva, Iryna; Serbenivska, Alina; Kucherenko, DianaThe development of effective strategic decisions on the territorial development today requires new approaches and tools of strategic management. It is the benchmarking tools related to the search and implementation of best management practices in regional governance regarding territorial development that make it possible to solve problems more effectively and set development priorities. Achieving a high standard of living and sustainable regional development are the most important priorities of the community. The tools of benchmarking in the activities of united territorial communities, where the active community adopts experience and gained practice, and sometimes financial assistance from international institutions in order to implement their projects, are of particular relevance. Benchmarking is a tool for improving best activities and practices using the best experience in a specific field. The main aim of the study is to highlight the methodological principles of benchmarking in the analysis and formation of strategic directions of regions and to find a methodological tool that would identify the model-region as an example of best practice in a particular area of territorial strategic development. The study was based on the use of: method of comparison, generalization - to clarify and formalize the essence of the concept, correlation and regression analysis - to build multifactor regression models, to determine the model-territory for basic comparisons of different territories on key indicators, territory clusterization; graphoanalytical method - to provide clarity of the material and schematic representation of a number of theoretical and practical provisions of the study. Methods of computer processing, analysis and display of information using Microsoft Excel, STATISTICA were used for complex analysis. The information base includes statistical materials of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, official publications of international organizations, expert assessments of rating agencies, monographs, basic scientific research of domestic and foreign authors, materials of scientific conferences, domestic and foreign publications, electronic Internet resources, etc.Item Competencies of Personnel in Economy 4.0: Challenges and Solutions(2021) Chala, Nina; Poplavska, Oksana; Danylevych, Nataliya; Maksma, MariyaThe article is dedicated to the analysis of the transformation of the worker’s competencies model in the Economy 4.0 conditions, to the identification of the causes for the increase of the labor redundancy and mismatch on the labor market. The authors identified key competencies that are important for Ukrainian businesses and made a forecast of required competencies for 2030. The analysis of the compliance of training programs of educational institutions with market requirements has practical value. The authors also proposed the roadmap for coordination of the program of the human resource manager competencies development. An important result came out to be the developed matrix of the necessary level of development of staff competencies for various divisions of the company depending on the decision-making center.Item Competitiveness management through corporate time management, preventive information and legal support and prevention of strategic resource allocation risks(Nemoros, 2021) Petchenko, Maryna; Oliinyk, Liydmyla; Rossokha, VolodymyrThe section of the monograph "Security management of the XXI century: national and geopolitical aspects : collective monograph".Item Consumer Behaviour as Strategic Factor of Brand Management(Варна : Изд-во Икономически университет «Наука и икономика», 2008) Pan, LiliyaToday management of mutual relations with brand consumers is a business priority. Creation and maintenance of favourable leadership in the market during long time or preservation of competitive advantages remains an overall objective of the companies. Only those branding strategies which are developed on the basis of research of emotions and realities of a consumers' life achieve the biggest success. Having provided high-level analysis of behaviour of the consumer, it is possible to reveal "hot buttons", skiful pressure on which will allow to raise not only consumer intenssions to purchase fulfilment, but also to generate high loyalty to a brand.Item Corporate culture of companies in the conditions of transformations(2021) Holub, R.; Ignatieva, Iryna; Serbenivska, Alina; Sydorenko, T.In modern economic conditions, enterprises function and develop as a complex organism, the vital potential of which is provided by corporate culture. Corporate culture determines not only the difference between organizations, but also determines the success of their operation and survival in a transformational environment. The successful operation of the enterprise also requires a solid foundation in material, financial and human resources, however, without a well-established corporate culture, the organization will not be able to exist in today’s complex environment. In this aspect, an important role is played not only by the approaches to the diagnosis of corporate culture, which were developed by well-known scientists, but also the practical adaptation of changes in corporate culture to business practice. Among the most significant results of these studies are the method of clinical research by E. Schein, the method of diagnosing corporate culture of the organization, proposed by K. Cameron and R. Quinn, and to some extent the system of diagnostic and strategic management of the company, offered by D. Norton and R. Kaplan. The methodological basis of the study is a system of general and special methods, which allowed to investigate the impact of the phenomenon of leadership potential on corporate culture. The study was based on the use of: method of comparison, generalization — to clarify and formalize the essence of the concept; method of correlation and regression analysis — to build multifactor regression models, calculate predictive values of integrated indicators of leadership potential for each subsystem, optimize subsystems, determine the degree of influence on type of corporate culture; graphoanalytical method — to provide clarity of the material and schematic representation of a number of theoretical and practical provisions of the study. Methods of computer processing, analysis and display of information using Microsoft Excel, STATISTICA were used for complex analysis. The information base is official publications of international organizations, expert assessments of rating agencies, monographic literature, fundamental scientific developments of domestic and foreign authors, materials of scientific conferences, domestic and foreign publications, electronic resources of the Internet, etc.Item The cost of formation and problems of effective realization of labor potential in Ukraine(2022) Cheremisina, Svetlana; Rossokha, Volodymyr; Petrychenko, O.; Fedoryshyna, L.; Dobrianska, N.The article studied an evolutionary way of organizing the "labour potential" category. The expedience has been proved to consider systematically the “labour potential” category under the modern conditions of social and economic development and with a combination of economic, technical-technological, intellectual, budget and resource-based, social and environmental components. The authors present their own vision of system justifi cation for the "labour potential" category concept. The article studied the process of organizing labour potential in terms of the human capital theory and summarized the classifi cation of investment types in its formation and development. A comprehensive analysis of the current condition was performed and key issues were identifi ed with regard to labour potential in Ukraine. Negative tendencies of reduction of the number of employees in all types of economic activity and gradual reduction of the number of vacancies in many specialties and professions were revealed. The analysis of the intersectoral diff erentiation of the average monthly salary level in Ukraine for the period 2014–2021 was carried out. Trends have been established concerning training of specialists in the fi elds of knowledge, as well as the process of forming their potential.Item CRM-система як інструмент підвищення ефективності управління(2020) Воропай, ОльгаТези доповіді на міжнародній науково-практичній конференції "Економіка, облік, фінанси та право: теоретичні підходи та практичні аспекти розвитку", Полтава, 28 жовтня 2020 р.Item Cultural environment of national economic systems as a basis for evaluating the attractiveness while entering new markets by retail corporation(MIND Journal, 2021) Bilovodska, Olena; Ivanchenko, KostiantynThe article compares the cultural environment of Ukraine, Romania, and the United States based on Hofstede model quantifies the threats and opportunities of the cultural environment based on the list of factors: a tendency to centralization, common management style, the importance of status, importance of relations in negotiations, labor mobility, conflict resolution, modesty, perception of inequality, tolerance to new ideas, the importance of strict rules in business, short-term benefits, confidence in one's views, attitude to pleasure, social norms. A comparative analysis of business etiquette of the studied countries on seven positions: greetings, personal space, gift exchange, business cards, building relationships, negotiation, and punctuality is presented in the articleItem Current state and prospects of animal husbandry development in Ukraine(2023) Rossokha, Volodymyr; Nechyporenko, Oleksandr; Cheremisina, Svitlana; Mazurenko, Olena; Petrychenko, OleksandrThe article is devoted to current problems that arose in the field of animal husbandry due to Russian military aggression, temporary occupation of part of the territory, and active combat actions in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to monitor the production and consumption of animal products, calculate losses of livestock and production of animal industries due to Russian aggression, and forecast parameters of their reproduction to achieve pre-war consumption and further development in the conditions of war. In the course of the research were used the information base of the State Statistics Service, estimated indicators of the State Budget of Ukraine for 2023, information and analytical materials of the National Research Center Institute of Agrarian Economics on indicators of production of livestock products, and justification of investment projects for the creation of mini-farms. The following methodological tools were used in the research process: methods of statistical comparisons, namely, comparison of indicators, absolute and relative comparisons of changes in the value of a sign in relation to the base indicator; factor analysis - to determine the factors influencing the reproduction of livestock products to the pre-war level; functional analysis - to determine the dependence of production on livestock and animal productivity; balance method - for forming the balance of animal husbandry products; and calculation-constructive method - to determine the amount of investments for the restoration of livestock industries for production to the level of the pre-war period. To determine the fund and the level of consumption of livestock products per person of the population, balance sheets were drawn up. It was established that the norms of consumption of livestock products are met only for poultry meat. The actual level of meat consumption in Ukraine is only 62.3% of the norm, including beef - 25.7%, pork - 71.1%. The forecast of production of livestock products was made based on the calculation of livestock losses and animal productivity in the territories temporarily occupied and affected by Russian aggression. According to our calculations, in 2022, the gross output of the studied branches of animal husbandry decreased compared to 2021 by 12.6%, or by EUR 227.5 million (from EUR 1.8 to 1.57 billion). Actual losses amount to EUR 477.5 million. In order to reach the pre-war level of consumption of livestock products, it is necessary to increase production of beef by 14.7%, pork by 5.8%, and milk by 8.5%. The number of investments to compensate for losses in the reproduction of meat and dairy cattle breeding and pig breeding industries is forecasted to be EUR 790 - 875 million, including meat and livestock sector - EUR 480 million, dairy farming - EUR 357 million, pig farming - EUR 37.5 million. The main influencing factors on the further development of animal husbandry have been established. The further development of the livestock industry will depend on the manifestation of the following factors: missile attacks by the Russian occupiers of Ukrainian territory, especially energy supply systems, and the ability of the armed forces of Ukraine to "close the sky"; demining the territory, restoring the logistics of commodity flows and exportimport operations; provision of state support for the reproduction of destroyed and damaged productions of livestock products; the purchasing power of the population of Ukraine for products of animal origin; and the level of migration activity of the population in the country.Item Customer Centric Marketing Strategy for Universities(2018) Voropai, OlgaThe purpose of the paper is to analyze the ways of using a customer centric approach to develop a marketing strategy for universities. Customer centricity is defined as the university marketing strategy that implies unique intra-disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies, bringing into line individual students’ experiences and capabilities with changing the market place and job opportunities. The main forces that urge higher education institutions to change the core of their marketing strategy are characterized; namely, MOOC development and eliminated geographical barriers that stimulate students’ mobility. Further, four important directions of customer centricity are described, depending on the role the students and other university target audiences play in the process: the customers being the source of sustainable competitive advantage; customers as the source of information for the company; customers as the source of information for other representatives of the target audience; customers as employees and value co-creators. Universities need to revise their marketing mix, implementing consumer-oriented elements and reducing students’ risks and expenses. Students should also be an essential part of the university’s integrated marketing communications as the source of relevant information for target audiences. In addition, the role of students in value co-creation needs significant expansion. Customer-centricity in this case will no longer be limited to the use of individual elements without significant positive effects, but it will ensure obtaining a long-term competitive advantage in the education market. In a world of life-long learners it will not only assist in completing singular transactions with first-year students but also ensure repeated “purchases” among alumni.Item Customer Engagement with Universities’ Social Media after COVID-19: EaP Countries Case(2021) Chala, Nina; Pichyk, Kateryna; Voropai, Olga; Bilovodska, OlenaThe current research aims at analyzing the social media activity of the universities in EaP countries. During the COVID-19 pandemic, universities had to transfer their education processes and enrollment campaigns online. University management had to introduce new tools for communication and interaction to ensure the efficacy of cooperation between the university community, students, teaching staff, and other stakeholders. In this research, the authors analyze which factors affected the dynamics and directions of customer engagement with Universities' social media and how. The authors propose a framework to reveal the role of countries' digital environment, educational environment, and university's SM activity in increasing ER of university stakeholders during the COVID-19 pandemic on Facebook and Instagram. The authors outline managerial proposals for universities, including analytics-based SM content creation and planning, communicating socially essential issues.Item Decentralisation and Local Self-government in Eastern Partnership countries(2021) Chala, NinaThis policy paper analyses the implementation of the European Principles of Decentralisation in the Eastern Partnership countries. The focus here is on the following aspects: 1) transparency of decision-making; 2) the development of digital services; 3) the availability of digital community information; 4) the participation of civil society in decision-making and; 5) the level of decentralisation of local budgets. Special attention was paid to the analysis of the challenges COVID19 poses to local self-government.Item Development of remote identification the enterprises by digital technologies(2021) Sova, Olena; Ganushchak, Tetiana; Khrapkina, Valentyna; Onyshchenko, OksanaThe article is devoted to the formulation of electronic remote identification of enterprises by digital technologies. The paper determines a practical aspect of using electronic remote identification between the bank and the organizations. The article emphasizes that BankID system has great social importance and wide practical application in Nordics and Ukraine. It is analyzed the level of Ukrainian enterprises’ computerization in various industries. The shares of some industries in the structure of the Ukrainian’s GDP with the construction of a trend line are given. Authors compare states of electronic identification in the northern countries and advantages of BankID systems. The recommendations for improvement electronic remote identification the enterprises by digital technologies are made.Item The development of the insurance market of Ukraine amid the global trends in insurance(2017) Kurylo, Volodymyr; Kurylo, Lyudmyla; Zhovnirchyk, Yaroslav; Kartashov, Yevgen; Sokol, SergiiThe insurance market of Ukraine is a part of the global economic environment, which brings together national insurance markets around the world. The paper studies the functioning of the insurance market of Ukraine taking into account the latest trends in the world economy. It notes an extremely small volume of premiums, insufficient coverage of the population and business entities. It is emphasized that the main attention of the experts of the insurance market of Ukraine is focused on its reaction to the annexation of the Crimea and the military conflict in Donbas. It identifies trends, conditions and development factors of the Ukrainian insurance market, as well as its prospects and the role of Ukraine on the global insurance market.Item Digital Tools Products Promotion in Online Trade on International Markets(2022) Starostina, Alla; Bilovodska, Olena; Panasiuk, YuliiaThe paper is devoted to the development of an approach for companies to justify the feasibility of using digital tools to promote products in countries that are not considered as innovative leaders, taking into account the specifics of individual product markets. Taking Ukraine for example, the possibilities of using the results of systematisation as a base of relevant knowledge for a reasonable assessment of online promotion tools feasibility are defined. The practical use of this base to justify the choice of specific digital tools in a particular product market is tested. Improved methodological approach to the analysis and evaluation of digital tools for product promotion is based on the use of their relevant choice and takes into account the parameters of the advertising campaign effectiveness with elements of influence marketing and the main motivations of consumers. The marketing research of Saudi Arabia's consumer motivation as a promising market and the study of trends in the social network market delivered basic and additional promotion tools that enhance the online promotion effectiveness, and appropriate recommendations for the use of digital tools to promote honey in the Saudi Arabian market are formulated. The results of practical testing of the proposed approach show that it can be directly used to substantiate digital tools to promote products on the honey market in the conditions of COVID-19 and the post-covenant period by companies that are not considered as leaders in innovation growth.Item Digital Transformation: The Age of Innovations in Business and Society(IntechOpen, 2022) Kovshova, IrynaThis chapter considers main factors of digital transformation in business and society. The latest studies of digital ad spend in Europe and a number of marketing technology solutions all over the world within the period 2011–2020 have confirmed a rapid development of digital technologies in business and society. It was justified that due to digitalization process companies have to revise their priorities and modify their main strategic goals for simultaneous achievement of commercial efficiency and a social effect. These goals need some adjustment to specific requirements and wishes of main process participants that form five levels of approval. Proposed marketing management model in digital transformation of business and society contains basic components, which lie in the digital contour. Responses of millennials (the people born at the turn of the century) on the use of digital technologies in different spheres of life are analyzed. The pilot research allowed to distinguish three groups of millennials depending on how actively they use digital technologies in different spheres of life. Main directions of innovative marketing management development are defined. The opportunities of implementing functionality of artificial intelligence, neuromarketing, augmented and virtual reality, marketing technologies MarTech in company business-processes are studied.