015. Матеріали різних дослідників та організацій
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Item 60-річчя члена-кореспондента НАН України О. Л. Перевозчикової(2007)Стаття присвячена ювілею вченої в галузі інформаційних технологій члену-кореспонденту НАН України Ользі Леонідівні Перевозчиковій.Item 60-річчя члена-кореспондента НАН України О. П. Моці(2010)До ювілею українського археолога-медієвіста, доктора історичних наук, викладача НаУКМА Олександра Моці.Item 80-річчя члена-кореспондента НАН України Д. С. Наливайка(2009)6 листопада виповнилося 80 років знаному літературознавцеві, фахівцю з порівняльного дослідження світової й української літератури членові-кореспондентові НАН України Дмитрові Сергійовичу Наливайку.Item About the Session of Ferhat Turanly's Dissertation for a Scientific Degree of Doctor of Sciences (History)(2017) Öztürk, YücelЗасідання стосовно вищезазначеної дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеню доктора історичних наук відбулося 12 грудня 2017 року у Київському національному університеті ім. Тараса Шевченка. У цьому засіданні взяли участь десять представників з Туреччини, двоє з яких виконували функцію «поціновувачів» вказаної дисертації. Наукове засідання, проведене з метою захисту дисертації Фергада Туранли «Козацька доба історії України в турецько-османських писемних джерелах» на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора історичних наук, виявилося дуже вражаючою та натхненною для турецької наукової спільноти.Item About the Session of Ferhat Turanly's Professorship(2018) Inbasi, MehmetEvaluation of Turanly’s dissertation:The Cossack period in Ukraine’s History in Ottoman Turkish Written Sources (the second half of the 16th – the first quarter of the 18thcentury), Kyiv – Mohyla Academy 2016, 606p.Item Action plan for Ukraine(2014) Haran, OleksiiReforms and alignment of Ukraine towards European standards are the best answers to Kremlin aggression and Kremlin-stimulated separatism. Control of the government by the civil society – this is exactly the realization of Maidan’s ideas. The newly established Reforms Support Centre is a coordination platform with civil society that proposed "Emergency Reforms Package". "Emergency Reforms Package" includes key and long-awaited reforms for the country, specifically administrative, judicial, law enforcement, anticorruption and decentralization.Item Alumni: "We are deeply concerned by the Kennan Institute’s growing pro-Kremlin policies"(2018)The following is an open letter of the Ukrainian Association of the Kennan Institute Alumni published on Feb. 27.Item Book as a symbol in the collections of the Marian narratives by Afanasii Kalnofoyskyi, Ioanykyi Galiatovskyi and Danylo (Dymytiy) Tuptalo(2017) Dubyna, OlhaIn the article are investigated the means and the tools of constructing the image of a book in four collections of the Marian narratives about miracles: Teraturgema by Afanasiy Kalnofoyskyi, The New Heaven and The Needful Treasury by loanykiy Galiatovskyi, and The Bedewed Fleece by Danylo (Dymytriy) Tuptalo. The main significance is given to the structure- and the meaning-making role of a symbol in the baroque text. It is clarified that all four books are built on the base of the Marian names, each of them develops with the smaller symbolic images. There is emphasized on the didacticism of the texts and the possibility of theosis through the word that is represented, in particular, in the motif of perception of book and image of a text as an opened spiritual treasury. Special attention is paid to the metaphors of the readability of the world and a book as a symbol of the universe.Item Clarivate Analytics: leading innovation in Open Access discovery and delivery: [presentation](2018) Тихонкова, ІринаЧи Ви знаєте, що понад 10 мільйонів статей доступні у вільному доступі на платформі Web of Science? Чим відрізняються "золоті" і "зелені" статті (Hybrid Gold OA articles, Green OA articles) на цій платформі? В чому унікальність Impactstory? Про це і не тільки Ви дізнаєтесь з презентації від досвідченого фахівця кампанії пані Ірини Тихонкової.Item Democratic Governance and Policy Analysis: Interpenetration or Confrontation of Procedures(2014) Tertychka, ValeriiPresented material from the 22th NISPAcee Annual Conference "Government vs. Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: From Pre-Weberianism to Neo-Weberianism?", Budapest, Hungary, May 22-24, 2014.Item The Driving Forces for Unwanted Reforms: Lessons from the Ukrainian Transition(2010) Dubrovskiy, Vladimir; Szyrmer, Janusz; Graves III, William; Golovakha, Evgeny; Haran, Olexiy; Pavlenko, RostislavThis work explores the political-economic mechanisms that lead to economic reforms even if the state is “captured” with the rent-seeking interests, as was the case in Ukraine in 1990th. We argue that unless the social capital is strong enough to solve the coordination problems, the rent seeking can be sustainable for a long time only if the players are coordinated forcedly by an authoritarian arbiter. Such arrangement is mutually associated with peoples’ passivity, and inability of comprehending the virtues of market coordination based on the private property rights. Until this public consciousness change, so already emerged market institutions start crowding out the rent-seeking ones, deterioration of authoritarian control and coordination due to the technical and societal progress remains the main long-term factors of reforms. Although such deterioration does not cease the rent seeking, and can even release it, lack of control makes it unsustainable, so ultimately requires replacing a forced coordination with the market one based on universal protection of the property rights. On the other hand, the longer this stage lasts, the stronger get intermediate (and often informal or illegal) rentseeking social structures and practices fed with the rent from uncontrolled resources, which obstruct establishing the market order. In Ukraine deterioration of totalitarian control started at least since Stalin’s death brought about the proliferation of interpersonal networks of mutual exchange based on blat. Price liberalization of 1992 was a “passive” systemic reform that the government had to accept because of the far-went deterioration of centralized control and coordination. Then the gap of control was mostly closed in two main waves of reforms, each of them coming as a reaction to crisis: monetary stabilization plus privatization (1995-96), and fiscal stabilization plus contracting of state paternalism towards the enterprises (1999-2001). However, the market adjustment after initial shock appeared to be delayed for almost eight years due to the persistence of deep-rooted rent-seeking interpersonal networks, and thus incurred very high social cost.Item En Ukraine, la “révolution de la dignité” a abouti à la corruption, au nationalisme et au déclin des libertés(2017) Minakov, MikhailDans une tribune au "Monde" le politologue et philosophe ukrainien Mikhaïl Minakov décrit l’état de son pays, trois ans après les manifestions de la place Maïdan, alors que l’accord d’association avec l’Union européenne entre en vigueur vendredi 1er septembre.Item EuroMaidan Newsletter # 80(2015-06-15)Item Item Item Item Item Item Item