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Видання започатковане 2014 р. в Національному університеті "Києво-Могилянська академія". З 2015 р. журнал виходить раз на рік. Наукове видання зареєстроване як друкований засіб масової інформації України (Свідоцтво про державну реєстрацію друкованого ЗМІ. Серія КВ № 22672-12572Р).
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Item Cognitive maps of discourses of British conservative and Australian liberal political manifestos(2021) Zernetsky, Pavlo; Kucherova, OlenaThe research endeavors to study and determine the influence of cognitive maps on production of political manifestos discourse. The research has been conducted in the framework of Sociocognitive Discourse Studies. The results show that discourse cognitive structure of British Conservative Party and Australian Liberal Party manifestos is characterized by different sets of cognitive maps on the level of communicative strategies and somewhat similar sets of cognitive schemas on the level of communicative tactics. Applying the method of interpropositional semantic analysis, the communicative strategy and communicative tactic of comparison was identified in Australian Liberal Party manifesto. Despite the close affinity between political discourses of the UK and Australia, there are significant differences in patterns of information organization in online manifestos of the ruling parties to engage the community and enhance persuasion.Item Confessionality of Bible Translations(2016) Daiber, Th.Не раз переводы Библии разделаются под взглядом резличного вероисповедания их передодчиков. Сатья занимается проблемом доказывать вероисповедательную точку зрения переводчика в самом тексте перевода.Item Conveying the symbols of Lyuba Yakimchuk's poetry, "Aapricots of Donbas", in English translatio(2024) Kovalenko, AlonaBackground. Although the translation of modern Ukrainian poetry has been widely studied, the specific challenge of conveying symbols in Lyuba Yakimchuk’s expressionistic poems has yet to be explored. Contribution to the research field. The present study raises intriguing questions about the possibility of translating symbols in poetry, especially those deeply culturally rooted. Purpose. To analyse how the author uses various symbols in her poetry, decipher their meaning and compare them with how they have been conveyed in English with some conclusions about the equivalency of the chosen options. Methods. This research applies descriptive-analytical and comparative methods, with original Ukrainian poems selected using a sampling technique. Results. The poems in Lyuba Yakimchuk’s collection "Apricots of Donbas" are written in blank verse. However, this fact does not solve the problem of conveying the form and meaning in the English translation since symbolism in her works is sometimes expressed through graphic means, such as split words and lines or phonological means (e.g., alliteration). The main peculiarity is the contextual nature of symbols, as some are related to a particular place (the author’s hometown, Pervomaisk of Luhansk Oblast) or the tragic historical events that began in the east of Ukraine in 2014. All these peculiarities make conveying such symbols in English quite challenging and allow us to conclude about partial untranslatability in some cases. Discussion. This research has shown that poems in the collection "Apricots of Donbas" by Lyuba Yakimchuk are full of vivid and memorable symbols representing her hometown Pervomaisk and her native Luhansk Oblast (apricots, coal mines, earth, water, terricones, ashtray), war (caterpillar, Yum), family and relations with them (blood, phone, cup), and symbolic colours (black, red, white). Though many symbols used in the poems are deeply related to a specific cultural and historical context, the translators mostly managed to convey their meaning in English by using such translation strategies as domestication and foreignization. Symbols tied to the phonological and morphological features of the Ukrainian language presented significant challenges, resulting in a partial loss of semantic load. Future research will explore how symbols in contemporary Ukrainian poetry written after February 24, 2022, reflect the current events in Ukraine.Item Digitalized Branded Speaking Subject or New Media Consumption Culture Politics to Change Communication(2016) Larchenko, V.Статтю присвячено суб’єктові-мовцю, що є продуктом владних політик нових медіа в межах зміни постмодерної комунікації у її електронної та брендової складових. Цей суб’єкт водночас виступає споживачем та співстворювачем електронного продукту, тобто просюмером.Item Framing Kyivan Rus' in modern American media(2021) Moiseyenko, Olena; Mazin, DmytroThe article focuses on identifying and structuring the linguistic frames which are activated in relation to the representation of Kyivan Rus’ in the U.S. English media discourse. The research aimed to examine the connections between the first historically recorded East Slavonic state and present-day Ukraine. The linguistic analysis is based on the rhetorical version of framing analysis, seeking to explore the ways how the rhetorical means used by the media contribute to shaping the audience’s perceptions in specific historical and political areas.Item Framing the international crimes in prosecutor's statements on the situation in Ukraine(2024) Moiseyenko, OlenaThe statement of the problem. In the context of Russian aggression, the consequences of which are the dead, refugees, deported, and destroyed cities, there is a need to exercise jurisdiction over individuals responsible for the most serious international humanitarian crimes. Linguists faced the question of researching the integrative nature of the relationship between language and inter‑national law in bringing people to justice for committing the gravest crimes. Of particular interest in this aspect is the discourse of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, since the duties of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court include the investigation and prosecution of crimes under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, namely genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression. The purpose of the article. The article aims to investigate the rhetorical devices used to create a frame regarding international crimes in the statements of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court concerning the situation in Ukraine. The research methods. A frame analysis aimed at identifying rhetorical language devices in the statements of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court regarding the situation in Ukraine was used as a research method. Thirteen statements by Karim A. A. Khan K. S., Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, regarding the Situation in Ukraine, presented on the official website of the International Criminal Court, were used for the analysis. The main results of the research. The study has shown that the frame that is being built in the statements of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court regarding international crimes committed by Russian criminals during the period of Russian aggression against Ukraine, which began in 2014, has a multi-aspect nature. The study has identified the following aspects in the frame structure: the informational aspect (informing the international community about the general progress of the investigation of crimes and issuing the warrantsof arrest against Russian criminals); the legal aspect (legal justification of the investigation of crimes and the issuance of arrest warrants against Russian criminals through reference to the Rome Statute); the communication aspect (prosecutor’s address to victims and witnesses of crimes, address to military personnel, dialogue with the international community); experiential aspect (reports about the experience of visiting crime scenes in Ukraine and communicating with crime victims). Rhetorical devices are used in the implementation of all aspects of the frame. Conclusions and perspectives. The study demonstrates the significant role of linguistic rhetorical devices in the prosecutor’s discourse. In his statements regarding the international humanitarian crimes committed by Russian aggressors in Ukraine and the issuance of arrest warrants against Russian high-ranking officials, Karim A. A. Khan KS, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, demonstrates a high level of rhetorical skills. In building a multi-aspect frame, the Prosecutor uses diverse rhetorical devices, including metaphor, metonymy, allusion, epithet, and rhetorical question. The rhetorical techniques used by the Prosecutor reinforce the essence of his statements: individuals who bear criminal responsibility for committing the atrocity crimes in Ukraine should be brought to justice. A further study of the prosecutor’s discourse in the trial of the International Criminal Court and the study of the prosecutor’s discourse based on the material of the situations in other regions of the world in a comparative perspective is considered promising since the International Criminal Court has experience in prosecuting war criminals.Item The Grammatical Category of Time as a Means of tfe Expression of Temporal Deixis in Belarusian and English in the Comparative Aspect(2017) Artsiomava, VolhaThe article analyzes the grammatical category of time as a means of actualizing temporal deixis in Belarusian and English in typological aspect. It is revealed that the category of time represented by the verbal forms in Belarusian and English is not identical to the physical time model and has an indexical nature, where the point of reference depends on the congruence or divergence of the moment of perception and the time of the speech act. In the relative temporal model of the narrative mode of interpretation, there is a shift of the deictic personal center in the Belarusian language in contrast to the English language, where thereis a shift of personal and temporal deictic centres together.Item Headlines in The Guardian editorials: the syntax and semantics of noun phrases(2021) Pavlenko, LarysaThe Guardian editorial headline is viewed as a two-component structure punctuated with colons in which the first part names the topic and the second one provides its comment. The article examines the frequency and diversity of eight noun phrase patterns and gives structural and functional analysis of their constituents. The author studies how categorial features of nouns, adjectives, and prepositions manifest themselves on a phrase level. Three types of semantic relations between noun-noun components are defined. Two more aspects under consideration are complexity and coordination in noun phrases.Item The image of a writer in nobel lectures delivered by laureates in literature(2018) Pavlenko, LarysaBackground. A growing interest in discursive nature of Nobel lectures resulted in a number of studies which emphasize their rhetorical force to influence public opinion and to popularize ideas in different spheres of human life. Analyzing Literature Laureates’ lectures, most researchers focus on linguistic means and the personality of the Nobelist himself/herself. However, characteristics of a writer proper have not been dealt with indepth. This article maintains our previous study, which indicates a close relationship between the content component of the Nobel lecture and the laureate’ outlook; the lecture itself can be regarded as a brief but extremely powerful expression of his/her human and professional qualities. Purpose. The aim of this paper is to examine how literature laureates interpret the notion of a writer in their Nobel lectures and to identify main common themes in creating this collective image. Methods. A method of linguistic description and observation, a descriptive method, and a contextual-interpretation method were employed to analyse the sample of 17 Nobel lectures. Results. The outcomes of our study indicate that Nobel lectures are extremely powerful expression of prizewinners’ human and professional qualities. We have devised a set of five themes, namely the writer’s social duty, his/her destiny, literary background, tools, and literary outcome to describe the collective image of a writer. Within the framework of our research, literary background falls into two subthemes (literary heritage and a personal writing process); discussing the writer’s toolkit, we focus on language and words. Discussion. Our findings show that laureates develop the concept “writer” to varying degrees but all of them stress a direct interconnection between an active social position and the writer’s destiny. Further research can involve the in-depth study of a definite Nobel lecture in terms of the compositional structure and employed linguistic means.Item Linguistic tools of persuasion in travel advertisements(2023) Honcharuk, OlenaBackground. The language of advertising in general has been widely researched since advertising became integrated in all spheres of our life. The researchers also mark the prominent role of extralinguistic elements in advertising. At the same time, the language as an important element of persuasion in tourist advertisements requires a more detailed coverage. Contribution to the research field. The present paper makes an overview of the linguistic tools of persuasion in travel advertisements. Purpose. The purpose of the present study is to analyse how linguistic tools are used to enhance the effectiveness and persuasive power of travel advertisements. Methods. The given research uses the method of description and analysis in order to identify the essential linguistic tools of persuasion in travel advertisements and to evaluate their role in enhancing the effectiveness of travel advertisements. Results. The study of travel brochures from leading tour operators based in the UK, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, the USA has shown that the language of advertising in tourism and in other spheres share a lot of common features, such as the extensive use of commendatory adjectives, frequent occurrence of metaphoric and metonymic expressions, play of words, modified forms of proverbs and sayings, comparisons. At the same time, the language of travel advertisements proper has its own specificities. The linguistic tools used in the texts of travel advertisements highlight the benefits of the advertised tour and help to create a clear image of the given destination. For this purpose, they are often complemented by additional information concerning the advertised tourist site. Discussion. The collected data demonstrate that expressive linguistic tools contribute to the overall effectiveness of travel advertisements.Item More than a signboard: the name of a store in the speaker’s mental lexicon(2022) Kadochnikova, OlenaBackground. Forming a system of spatial, social and cultural landmarks, each speaker consciously/unconsciously records proper names which seem important. The most significant units are remembered, and it is they that determine the general idea of the entire set of marked objects. Since the system of linguistic units in the individual mental lexicon is regulated by a great number of subjective factors, it can be assumed that the tendencies of the reflection of reality in the mental lexicon common to a group of speakers open the way to the analysis of current social stereotypes. Shop and store names are one of the groups of commercial names, therefore, by their very nature, they are maximally oriented towards reflecting positive stereotypes of large social groups. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to analyze how the names of shops and stores are reflected in the mental lexicon of the women residents of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and to try to outline the connection between the proper names verbalization in speakers’ mental lexicon and their ideas about extralinguistic reality. Methods. The material for this study consists of 249 graphic variants of 160 names of clothing, footwear and food stores, collected by surveying 45 women residents of Kyiv. Descriptive, comparative, and quantitative methods were used in the research, and techniques of the structural method were occasionally involved. Results. Current store names in the capital of Ukraine create а very colorful linguistic landscape with its main feature – the predominance of foreign language components, both lexical and graphic. Among all this diversity, the speaker remembers 3 or 4 names оn average, which determine her idea of the general trends in the nomination of objects in this field and indirectly ‒ these objects themselves. The analysis of store and shop names active in the mental lexicon of Kyiv residents shows that the absolute majority of clothing and shoe stores (79 % and 81 %, respectively) are perceived by names identified with other cultural spaces. Not only the name’s origin, but primarily its graphic form is a clear indicator of belonging to some cultural space. The opposite case in the name system of grocery stores is recorded ‒ only 26 % of them were reproduced by respondents in Latin. The form in which the store or shop name is stored in the mental lexicon depends on a) the graphic code visualized on the signboard / in the advertisement and b) the sound form of the name commonly used in informal communication. The activity of the second factor directly depends on the symmetry of the sound and spelling of the barbarism name and the level of speaker’s foreign language competence. The result of the collision of different graphic codes in the speaker’s mind is mixing, which is manifested in the recording of the original form of the name from Latin to Cyrillic during memorization. Therefore, while keeping proper names in memory, speakers try to assimilate their form to the rest of the fixed units, and this often manifests itself in the transformation of the original form of proper name. Discussion. Oversaturation of Kyiv’s commercial ergonomics system with barbaric names forms a strong public stereotype about the attractiveness and progressiveness of other cultures in the consumption sphere and creates the illusion of the absence of national Ukrainian in it. Trying to master the system of store and shop names, Kyiv residents find themselves in a conflict situation: the dominant graphic code for them is the Cyrillic alphabet, while the Latin alphabet prevails in the visual space of Kyiv’s trade establishments. The way out of this situation is transformation ‒ recording of the original name with the help of a graphic system convenient for the speaker. In order to form a general idea about the reflection of the commercial proper names system in the mental lexicon of Ukrainians, it is necessary to involve in the study data from representatives of different age groups from different regions of the country.Item Reading as means of communication(2014) Qabas, Jameel RashidReading is of great educational importance, as reading is a means "of communication, pe ople get information they need from books, journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. Through reading in a foreign language the pupil enriches his knowledge, of the world around him. He gets acquainted with the countries where the target language is spoken.Item The Self-Identification and Language Awareness of Poles in Eastern Podolia : Survival or Decline of "Polishness"? : (based on the 20th–21st century materials from Gródek Podolski)(Дух і Літера, 2020) Domitrak, YuliyaThe article deals with the main principal categories of Polish minority self-identification and some problems of religious and language awareness in Eastern Podolia. The analysis is based on recordings collected in Gródek Podolski and its neighbourhoods at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The author of the paper analyzes what is the image of the identification being reflected in the statements of local Polish inhabitants, finds out what motivates the interviewees to define themselves as Poles, and describes the ways of eliminating the Polish population in Eastern Podolia by authorities, through indicating the main factors that hinder the Poles’ self-identification. The paper concludes that the Catholic religion is an element integrating the national minority that enhances the Polish national identity and maintains the transmission of cultural traditions. The language as a bearer of the sense of identity influences a person’s self-presentation, becoming its integral component. Language awareness often coincides with the national and ethnic identity. Despite the harmful policy of Soviet authorities’ against Poles and all their efforts to suppress religion, Polish culture and language, the Polish population has never stopped to consider themselves as a related part of the entire Polish nation by keeping national traditions, they were faithfully committed to the Catholic Church, tried to preserve their language and history for younger generations.Item Semantic Structures of the American Blog Discourse(Дух і Літера, 2020) Zernetsky, Pavlo; Kucherova, OlenaIn this article the semantic structures of constructing American blog discourse are analyzed. Those structures are based upon semantic relations between propositions in the text of the blogs and aim to enhance coherence in this discourse. The results show that particular types of interpropositional relations are used on macro-semantic level for different subgenres of blogs (the semantic relations of equivalence, comparison, contrast, ‘part-whole’/’whole-part’, implication/causality, chronological order and spatial order relations). In particular, these interpropositional relations differ in the subgenres, such as political, business, socio-cultural, technology, and sports. In addition, the analysis brings out the different percentage of their usage.Item Spronominal Adverbs of English Legal Discourse Translated into Ukrainian : Semantic, Morphological and Syntactic Dimensions(Дух і Літера, 2020) Pavliuk, NataliaThe paper studies specific features of English pronominal pronouns and their translation. The results of the research show that the compounds in question are the archaic feature of the English legalese, they appeared in the Old English period, the same time as the adverbs here and there emerged, and some of them came into use in the Middle English time. The pronominal character of pronominal adverbs (PAs) is clearly seen through the lens of Ukrainian translation where they are mostly rendered by means of pronouns or noun phrases. Since Ukrainian does not have direct equivalents for English PAs, we can see ten different means used to translate them into Ukrainian.Item The role of psychological climate in gainning positive teaching results of an english lesson(2014) Dukhota, O.This article deals with recommendations and examples on the use of some aspects of the suggestive method in foreign languages teaching.Item Verbalisation of an alternative academic position in totalitarian discourse(2023) Kobchenko, NataliaBackground. In Soviet Ukraine, academic discourse often acted as a means of implementing language planning, in particular as a tool for the transformation of the language corpus. All grammar textbooks published after 1933 broadcast the official knowledge: the vocative is not a full-fledged case, but rather a special form of address; morphological means of expressing address in Ukrainian are the "vocative form" and "nominative case." In the conditions of total control over all areas of social life, Ukrainian linguists were faced with a choice of either 1) look for certain language devices, broadcasting the official theory, which would convince the addressee to believe in the talking points that did notfully comply with the language facts, and then anchor those points in their consciousness; 2) avoid aspects that disagree with the language practice or the logic of academic description; 3) word the findings of their research and observations of the language practice in a way that would not contradict the official theory. Contribution to the research field. The article is dedicated to the analysis of the communication practices used by Ukrainian linguists in the Soviet times to express their academic position, which did not agree with official knowledge. The object of comprehension was a unique for postcolonial societies situation in which the creators of both the official discourse and the alternative discourse opposed to it were the colonised themselves. Purpose. The aim of this research is to analyse ways and means of verbalisation of the alternative academic position held by linguists in the academic discourse of the totalitarian era, based on the materials representing the topics "The Case System" and "Address" in Ukrainian grammar books for higher education, published between 1933–1991. Methods. The research is based on the theoretical and methodological foundations of postcolonial studies, which involve a critical reading of texts that reflect the influence of various forms of authority on the life of subordinate communities. In particular, the theory of critical reading of J. Errimgton’s linguistic works and R. Vodaks’ methodology of discourse-historical approach, which has been adapted for academic discourse analysis, have been applied in this research. Results. Some linguists, who did not share the canonised theory of the vocative, implied their point of view in the official texts they had created (i.e. textbooks for higher education.) On the one hand, they used official terminology and theoretical concepts: they were consistent in naming the vocative case a “vocative form,” and presented two ways of expressing address. On the other hand, the lexical and grammatical structure of their statements levelled the postulates regarding the fact that "vocative is not a case", and that "the nominative case is used to express address on par with the vocative." Among the techniques used by the linguists, heavily euphemistic speech in combination with syntactic complication of the structure prevailed, as well as splitting nominations by verbalising the concept with variant naming and violation of logical connections between consecutive statements. Such individual practices of linguistic resistance replicated the practices of the official totalitarian discourse, but with the aim to broadcast the opposite meaning. Discussion. The peculiarity of the alternative academic discourse (in particular, the language education one) of the totalitarian era lies in the fact that it did not directly confront the official theory, but rather occurred within its boundaries. This gives a reason to consider some Ukrainian linguists of the Soviet period as creators of both colonial and anti-colonial discourses.Item Аксіологічність у "Щодненнику" Євгена Чикаленка(2014) Падар Ю.Axiological implications and means of their expression in «Diary» by E. Chikalenko, famous Ukrainian cultural figure and editor of the beginning of XXth century, are considered in the article.Item Асемантичні сполучники і (й), а в складно-сурядних та синкретичних сурядно-підрядних реченнях(Дух і Літера, 2019) Христіанінова, РаїсаУ статті розглянуто семантику складних речень, предикативні частини яких поєднані асемантичними сполучниками і (й), а. Обґрунтовано функційну подібність цих сполучників та їхній статус як асемантичних. Констатовано, що обидва сполучники реалізують лише формально-граматичну функцію виразника синтаксичного зв'язку між предикативними частинами. Виявлено значну збіжність семантико-синтаксичних різновидів складних речень, формованих розгляданими сполучниками.Item Асоціативний образ Батьківщини в мовній картині світу української молоді(2022) Близнюк, КатеринаУ статті проаналізовано лексикографічні компоненти значення концепту БАТЬКІВЩИНА; визначено, що у мовній картині світу української молоді він втратив зв’язок зі спадщиною та майном, проте далі асоціюється із рідним краєм, родиною, місцем походження. Результати експерименту, проведеного у квітні 2022 р., показали, що сучасні асоціації на стимул Батьківщина групуються навколо понять Україна, дім, родина, національні символи, цінності, боротьба. Вербальний образ Батьківщини має мало спільного з політикою або ідеологією, натомість переважають емоційні, образні й ціннісні компоненти.